Canning Whole Strawberries: Preserving Fruit

Canning Whole Strawberries: Preserving Fruit

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– 4 pounds fresh strawberries
– 4 cups water
– 2 cups granulated sugar
– Lemon juice (optional, to preserve color)
1. **Prepare the Strawberries**:
– Wash the strawberries thoroughly.
– Remove the stems and any bruised or damaged parts.
– If desired, you can slice the strawberries or leave them whole.
2. **Prepare the Syrup**:
– In a large saucepan, combine the water and granulated sugar.
– Heat the mixture over medium heat, stirring until the sugar is completely dissolved to make a light syrup. Bring the syrup to a gentle boil, then remove from heat.
3. **Sterilize Jars and Lids**:
– Sterilize your canning jars and lids by boiling them in water for at least 10 minutes. Keep the jars and lids hot until ready to use.
4. **Fill the Jars**:
– Pack the prepared strawberries into the hot, sterilized jars, leaving about 1/2 inch of headspace at the top.
– If using, add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice per pint jar to help preserve the color of the strawberries.
– Pour the hot syrup over the strawberries, again leaving 1/2 inch of headspace. Use a non-metallic utensil to remove air bubbles by gently stirring around the inside of the jar. Adjust the headspace if necessary.
5. **Seal the Jars**:
– Wipe the rims of the jars with a clean, damp cloth to remove any syrup or fruit residue.
– Place the sterilized lids on the jars and screw on the bands until fingertip-tight.
6. **Process the Jars**:
– Place the filled jars into a boiling water canner, ensuring they are covered by at least 1-2 inches of water.
– Bring the water to a full boil and process the jars for 10 minutes (adjust time based on altitude if necessary).
7. **Cool and Store**:
– Carefully remove the jars from the canner using a jar lifter and place them on a towel or cooling rack. Allow the jars to cool undisturbed for 12-24 hours.
– Check the seals by pressing down on the center of each lid. If the lid does not pop back, the jar is sealed properly.
– Label the jars with the date and store them in a cool, dark place. Properly canned strawberries should last up to one year.
Enjoy your preserved whole strawberries on desserts, in smoothies, or straight from the jar!

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