Home chocolate chip & chocolate bar cookie

chocolate chip & chocolate bar cookie

How about a cookie with an extra chocolate taste and crunchy addition?

Just looking at this photo is enough to make your taste buds come alive – it’s so tasty!

I highly recommend giving it a try.

With this recipe you gonna have 2 servings (4 cookies). One serving equals one Fueling.


  • 1 drizzled chocolate fudge crisp bar
  • 1 chewy chocolate chip cookie fueling
  • 2 Tbsp cold water
  • Pam cooking spray (optional)


  1. Preheat the oven to 350°F
  2. Chop up the chocolate fudge bar into pea-sized chunks
  3. Prepare the chocolate chip cookie mix as per the package instructions
  4. Mix the chunks of the chocolate fudge bar into the cookie consistency
  5. Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper
  6. Spoon the cookie batter onto the parchment paper to make 4 equal-sized mounds
  7. Bake for 10 minutes
  8. Remove from oven and press down on each cookie with a spatula to flatten the dough into a cookie shape. Spray the spatula with Pam to prevent sticking
  9. Bake for another 6 minutes
  10. Remove from the oven and let cool

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