Home Overnight Weetabix cheesecake

Overnight Weetabix cheesecake

Astoundingly easy breakfast recipe that tastes a lot like cheesecake, made with Weetabix
and yoghurt


Prep time:12 Hrs
Total Time:12 Hrs


2 Weetabix pieces, crumbled
100-125ml boiling water or milk
150g Greek yoghurt (or fruit yoghurt of your choice)
2 tbsp chopped strawberries and blueberries (or other topping of your choice)


1. Crumble your two Weetabix pieces into a tupperware box
2. Either boil the water or heat your milk to boiling in the microwave, then pour it over
the crumbled Weetabix. Stir to make a paste
3. Spoon a layer of yoghurt on top of the Weetabix, using the back of the spoon to make
sure it is evenly and smoothly spread
4. Sprinkle your chopped fruit, or other choice of topping, over the yoghurt
5. Place in the fridge and allow to set overnight. Serve
You will need
Tupperware box

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